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Everything’s Fine by Dean Sikes

Has someone hurt you?

Do you feel rejected, even abandoned?

Does it seem as if you don’t matter? Well, join the club.

Though everyone wants to belong somewhere, there is one club no one ever wants to join. The members, filled with doubts and questions about themselves, wonder if they’re the only ones. Some even struggle with thoughts of suicide. If you find yourself in this club the good news is you’re not alone.

In Everything’s Fine author Dean Sikes tells true stories from real teens just like you and your friends who have courageously shared their personal doubts, questions, and struggles with him. Their stories offer insights and messages of hope when you feel things, such as:

  • there’s always so much pressure to perform and measure up;
  • I really don’t like the way I look;
  • I probably deserved what they did to me because I’m so worthless; or
  • nobody really cares about me or what happens to me.

These stories also show how it’s possible to turn your pain into purpose, your anger into passion, your rejection into acceptance, and to see how forgiveness leads to freedom. And they help you discover, or rediscover, how much God really loves you.

Read these riveting stories and embrace this truth: You were created on purpose, with purpose, for a purpose. You matter!

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Reader’s Thoughts


“From the first story you’ll find yourself drawn into the lives of real teens facing real problems. What do you do when you’re struggling with something at school? When you feel the pressure to perform? Maybe your parents are separating, you don’t like the way you look, or you feel like nobody wants you around. Are you at the end and ready to simply give up? Everything’s Fine offers real hope and help that reminds you that if you have breath, you have purpose! Not just stories and questions but relatable insights and answers based on God’s truth followed by prayers prayed for you and opportunities to process what you or a friend may be going through.”
Sadie Robertson Huff

Author, speaker and founder of live original

“The stories and testimonies in Everything’s Fine came alive while I was reading. The book revealed the silent struggles that today’s teens are facing, often alone without much of the support system that I felt like I had during my formative years. Moving through the chapters, readers will seethe hope and redemption that comes as they are introduced to the One who loves them and cause seach of us to matter, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When you reach the end of the book, you’ll have gone on a journey of healing and restoration through faith in God.Everything’s Fine is written for teenagers from all walks of life. I believe that it can help them come face-to-face with the truth that sets us free. I encourage you to read this entire book and be encouraged. You will find hope when life really hurts.”
Michael W. Smith

Multi-platform artist and best selling author

“The stories of so many vulnerable teens in Everything’s Fine has made me, a recovering teen, wish that I had this book a few years ago. The “God created you on purpose, with purpose, and for a purpose so there is always hope” message is essential for youth from all communities. In this book, Mr. Sikes has provided me with tools to help my small group of soon-to-be freshmen girls to adjust to the new and unknown of high school, and to reinforce the message of purposeful hope. I will not hesitate to share this resource with everyone I know who regularly interacts with this precious group.”

Age 23

“The miraculous testimonies described in this book give us a glimpse at the burning heart of God for the next generation. My only response as a 16 year old is to do what Dean has done. Say yes to the call of God. What the Lord has done through Dean in his ministry has not only massively impacted me, but countless other teenagers. The miracles in this book only further prove that Jesus is not done, and until He returns, all we can do is give Him our lives and have faith that He will continue to show up mightily by the precious touch of the Holy Spirit.”

Age 16

“Dean Sikes has done a great job of tenderly showing how hurting my generation is. He equips you with the weapon of the Word to heal, rest, and then arise to be all God says you are!”

Age 19

Many of you who have picked up this book are trying to figure out life. I can relate. My mother was raped at age 40, and while I’m thankful she gave me life, most of my childhood was turbulent. Because we moved so much, I was never picked for a team. I ate lunch by myself in the cafeteria. Daily, I experienced rejection. But God transformed my life at age 15. He showed me that I had value and became the perfect Father I so desperately wanted. As Dean Sikes shares in this book, you matter. You are not alone. God has filled you with potential and has a plan for you. This book shows you the importance of putting an end to the destruction that can take root when you’ve been hurt by others. I pray you will read with an open heart and allow God to set you free.”
James Robison

Founder And President, Life outreach International Fort Worth, Texas

You matter. These two words have the potential to shift someone from a place of despair onto a path of destiny. My dear friend, Dean Sikes, has written a powerful message that provides help, hope, and healing for teenagers struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. It’s a powerful tool to equip parents, teachers, coaches—and all who desire to eradicate teen depression and suicide!”
Jonn Bevere

Best-selling author and minister

co-founder of messenger international & 

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